Why should you hire an equine photographer?

In today’s age where cell phones are now our main cameras, there is no shortage of snapshots of your horse. Maybe some of your horse mugging for the camera, endless selfies and so on. Sure, those are great for quick social media sharing and such, but do those pictures show what your horse really looks like and their true beauty? Do these smartphone pictures truly embrace the moment with all the emotion of that day?

You love your horse and I absolutely understand this. I am a horse person myself, have been since I could walk and talk, and I will probably die with reins clutched in my hands. I have a lifetime of memories, adventures, sad and funny stories from my horses. And I have beautiful, timeless photos that when seen, fully remind me of that very day, the gentle wind, the smell of they hay, the smell of my horse, and even the sound of their breathing!

Why should you hire an equine photographer?

Your photos should capture your journey with your equine partner in a way that is timeless. Years may have passed but you still have that portrait of your beautiful youngster on the wall. They might be older now and past their prime or maybe they have passed on. However, these photos of them will always remind you of how they once were!

Equine photographers know how to bring out the best in you and your horse. They will put you in the right light, move you into flattering poses, and professionally touch-up your photos. You will even have a fun and memorable photo experience with your equine photographer.

My goal is to give you that fun yet lasting experience and deliver photos that you will love to look at or put on your wall and show off to family and friends. That is when I know I have done my job!

When researching for an equine photographer, you want to ensure that the photos on their website resonate with you. Each photographer has their own style, their own preferred poses and camera settings. If you love what you see on my website, there is a good chance that you will love your photos.


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